Dictionaries | References


   { niṣkramḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
निष्-°क्रम  m. m. going out, coming forth, an exit, departing from (abl.), [R.] ; [Kathās.]
निष् °क्रम
   the first carrying out (of a child; cf. next), [Yājñ.]
   degradation, loss of caste, inferiority of tribe, [L.]
   intellectual faculty, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
निष्क्रमः [niṣkramḥ]   1 going out, coming forth; अविभावितनिष्क्रम- प्रयाणः [Ki.13.27.]
   departure from, exit.
   one of the Saṁskāras or religious rites; i. e. taking out a child for the first time into the open air (which is usually performed in the fourth month of its age); चतुर्थे मासि निष्क्रमः [Y.1.12;] cf. उपनिष्क्रमण also.
   degradation, loss of caste, inferiority of tribe.
   intellectual faculty.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
निष्क्रम  m.  (-मः)
   1. any intellectual faculty, as attention, comprehen- sion, &c.
   2. degradation, baseness, inferiority of tribe, family, &c. 3. going out, exit.
   4. intellectual faculty.
   E. निर् assuredly or forth, and क्रम going.

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