Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   To float. 2 fig. To be adrift; to lose the connection and talk wildly. 3 To hang without decision--a cause or suit. 4 To float in suspense or uncertainty--the mind: to be non-plussed; to be put out, be at a loss, at a stand. 5 To be detained in expectation or waiting. Ex. तुम्हासाठीं ही सर्व मंडळी तरंगली. तरंगायास लावणें To put in suspense; or to leave undecided.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 v i   float. be adrift. float in suspense.


 अ.क्रि.  दमणें ; थकणें ; भागणें .' आमची थोडी ; तरंगली आहेत . घोडी असूदी जाहली म्हणजे आठा चाहूं दिसी ... स्वामीचें भेटीस येऊन .; गलबत . ( सं .)

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