Dictionaries | References


   { khajḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
खज  m. m. stirring, agitating, churning, [Car.]
-कृत्   contest, war (cf., &c.), ii, 17">[Naigh. ii, 17]
   a churning stick, xii, 7784">[MBh. xii, 7784] ; [Suśr.]
   a ladle, spoon, [L.] Sch.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
खजः [khajḥ]   [खज्-अच्]
   A churning stick; पयस्यन्तर्हितं सर्पि- र्यद्वन्निर्मथ्यते खजैः [Mb.12.214.21.]
   Agitating, churning.
   A ladle or spoon.
   जा A churning stick, ladle; खजां च दर्विं च करेण धारयन् [Mb.4.8.1.]
   The hand with the fingers extended.
   churning, agitating, stirring.
   killing, destroying.
   A battle.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
खज   r. 1st cl. (खजति) To churn or agitate. (इ,) खजि (खञ्जति) To limp, to halt, to walk lame or ill.
खज  m.  (-जः) A ladle, a spoon.
  f.  (-जा)
   1. churning, stirring.
   2. killing, destroying.
   3. The palm with the fingers extended.
   E. खज् to agi- tate, &c. affix अच्.

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