Dictionaries | References


   { kākṣḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
काक्ष  mfn. 1.mfn. (fr.2.का + अक्ष) frowning, looking scornfully or in displeasure, [Siddh.] on [Pāṇ. 6-3, 104] Sch. on [Bhaṭṭ. v, 24]
काक्ष  mn. mn. a glance, wink, leer, [Pāṇ. 6-3, 104] ; [Bhaṭṭ. v, 24] ; vi, 93">[Vop. vi, 93] (cf.कटा-क्ष.)
काक्ष  m. 2.m. a kind of plant g.प्लक्षा-दि in the [Kāś.]
काक्ष  n. n. the fruit of the same, same place or book or text' as the preceding">ib.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
काक्षः [kākṣḥ]   [कुत्सितमक्षं अत्र, कोः कादेशः; Sk. on [P.VI.3.14] ] A side-long look, a glance.
-क्षम्   frown, look of displeasure, malicious look; काक्षेणानादरेक्षितः [Bk.5.24.] काक्षेण पश्यति लिखत्यभिखां नयज्ञः [Dūtavākyam 1.12.]


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
काक्ष   r. 1st. cl. (इ) काक्षि (कांक्षति) To desire; it is most frequently used with आङ् prefixed, in the same sense.
काक्ष  mfn.  (-क्षः-क्षा-क्षं) frowning, looking, scornfully or in displeasure. m. (-क्षः) A glance, a wink or leer.
  n.  (-क्षं) A frown, a look of dis- pleasure.
   E. का for कु diminutive or depreciative, and अक्षि the eye. f. (-क्षी)
   1. A sort of trefoil, (Cytisus cojan.)
   2. A perfume, a fra- grant kind of earth.
   E. कक्ष a creeping plant, अण् and ङीप् affs.
कक्ष अण् ङीप्

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