Dictionaries | References


   { uras }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उरस्  n. n. (√ , iv, 194">[Uṇ. iv, 194] ), the chest, breast, bosom, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [MBh.] ; [Śak.] &c. (उरसि कृत्वा, or -कृत्यind. having assented or adopted, but only उरसि कृत्वा in the sense of having put upon the breast, [Pāṇ. 1-4, 75] )
   the best of its kind, [L.]
उरस्  m. m.also title or epithet).">N. of a man g.तिका-दि, [Pāṇ. 4-1, 154] (in the [Kāś.] )


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उरस् [uras] a.  a. best, excellent. n. (उरः) The breast, bosom; व्यूढोरस्को वृषस्कन्धः [R.1.13;] [Ku.6.51;] उरसि कृ to clasp to the bosom.
   Comp. कटः the sacrificial thread hung round the neck and upon the breast.
   an upper garment (for boys).
-कपाटः   A broad strong chest.
-क्षतम्   injury to the chest.
-क्षयः   consumption, a disease in the chest.
-गामिन् a.  a. going on the breast (as a reptile), creeping, crawling.
-ग्रहः, -घातः   a disease of the chest, pleurisy.
-छदः, -त्राणम्   a cuirass, breast-plate; [Śi.15.8.] cf. also उरच्छदमनिर्भिद्य द्रुतमुत्प- तिताः शराः [Śiva. B.13.1.6.]
-जः, -भूः, उरसिजः, उरसिरुहः   the female breast; रेजाते रुचिरदृशामुरोजकुम्भौ [Śi.8.53,] उरसिरुहेण हारलीलाम् 25,59.
-भूषणम्   an ornament of the breast.
-सूत्रिका   a necklace of pearls hanging over the breast.
-स्तम्भः   oppression of the chest, asthma.
-स्थलम्   the breast, bosom.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
उरस्  mfn.  (-राः-राः-रः) best, excellent.
  n.  (-रः) The breast, the bosom.
   E. to go, Unādi affix असुन्, the pen. changed to उ; also उर a Soutra root, to go, and असुन् as before.
असुन् उ; उर असुन्

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