Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   To draw up, towards, after; to attract, to allure. 2 In argumentation. To disallow or dispute: also v i To make objection. Ex. सभेमाजीं गुरूशीं आक्षेपति ॥


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 v t   draw up or after. disallow, dispute.


 उ.क्रि.  ( काव्य ) ओढून घेणें ; आकर्षणें ; चटक लावणें .
   हरकत घेणें ; नामंजूर करणें ; अमान्य करणें ;
   शंका काढणें . मागां श्रोतीं आक्षेपिलें । जी ये ग्रंथीं काय बोलिलें । ते सकळही निरोपिलें । संकलीत मार्गे ॥ - दा १ . १ . २७ . [ आक्षेप ]

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