Dictionaries | References अ अहह { ahaha } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words अहह महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 उद्गा . अरेरे ; शोकाचा - खेदाचा उद्गार . अहह दारुणतात तुझा पण ! । - सीस्व ५ . मुनीच्या शापानें अहह सतिचा त्या प्रिय पती । - विवि ( १८७२ ) अंक १ . पृ . २० . [ ध्व . तुल० इं . अहा , आह ] अहह A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अहह n. ind. an interjection, as Ah! अह! &c. (implying surprise, fatigue, pain, sorrow, pleasure, calling), [Vikr.] ; [Hit. &c.] अहह The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अहह [ahaha] हा [hā] हा [अहं जहाति, हा-क-पृषो˚] A particle or interjection implying (a) sorrow or regret ('alas', 'ah'); अहह कष्टमपण्डितता विधेः [Bh.2.92,3.21;] अहह ज्ञान- राशिर्विनष्टः [Mu.2.] (b) Wonder or surprise; अहह महतां निस्सीमानश्चरित्रविभूतयः [Bh.2.35,36.] cf. अहहेत्यद्भुते खेदे...... Nm. (c) Pity; ध्रुवं ते जीवन्तोप्यहह मृतकामन्दमतयः [Bv.4.39.] (d) Calling; अहहारे त्वा शूद्र Ch. Up. (e) Fatigue. अहह Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 अहह ind. A particle or interjection, as ah! aha! &c. implying:1. Surprise:2. Fatigue:3. Pain:4. Pleasure:5. Calling.E. अह from अहम् I, and ह from हा to abandon: self or pride-abandon- ment; also अहहा. ROOTS:अह अहम् ह हा अहहा Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP