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   { abhiṣic }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अभि-षिच्   (सिच्) P., rarely Ā. (e.g.vii, 4593">[MBh. vii, 4593] ; [Bhaṭṭ.] ) to sprinkle, water, wet, [RV. i, 121, 6] (pr. p.-सिञ्च॑त्), &c.;
to consecrate, anoint, appoint by consecration, [AV.] &c.: Ā. (Imper. 2. sg.-षिञ्चस्व, sometimes v.l.pass.-षिच्यस्व) to consecrate one's self or have one's self consecrated, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] ; [R.] : Ā. or pass. to bathe, xii, 8894 and xiii, 1702">[MBh. xii, 8894 and xiii, 1702] :
Caus.P. to water, wet : P. (rarely .) to consecrate, anoint : Ā. (with or without [[Nir.] ] आत्मानम्) to have one's self consecrated:
Desid.-षिषिक्षति and Intens.-सेसिच्यते, [Pāṇ.] Sch. and Comm.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अभिषिच् [abhiṣic]   6 U. [˚सिच्, स् changed to ष् by [P.VIII. 3.65]]
   To sprinkle, pour down upon, water, wet, shower upon (fig. also); स्नान्तीहाभ्यषिचज्वलैः [Bk.6.21;] 15.3;6.23; सङ्गे पुनर्बहुतराममृताभिषिक्ताम् [Ch. P.29] v. l. अथ वपुरभिषेक्तुं तास्तदाम्भोभिरीषुः [Śi.7.75.]
   To anoint, consecrate, appoint &c. (by sprinkling water on the head); to crown, install, inaugurate (with loc. of the post of authority); अग्निवर्णमभिषिच्य राघवः स्वे पदे [R.19.] 1,17.13; सोऽटवीराज्येऽभिषिक्तः [H.2;] [V.5.23.] -Caus.
   To have another consecrated, inaugurated &c.
   To let oneself be crowned.

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