गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ r. 1st. cl. (गच्छति) गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 1. To go, to move or approach. 2. To arrive at, to accomplish or attain. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With अनु prefixed, To follow, to imitate, गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With आङ् (आगच्छति) गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 1. To come, to arrive. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 2. To go to entertain. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 3. (आगमयते) To wait, to delay. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With अधि, गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 1. To obtain, to gain or acquire. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 2. To go over, as a book or set of rules to peruse, to learn. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 3. To pass over, to omit. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With अप, To go back or away, to separate. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With अव, To know, to understand. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With उत्, 1. To approach, to go near to. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 2. To go up, to rise. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With उप, गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 1. To produce. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 2. To go near. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 3. To consent to. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With उप and आङ्, To approach. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With दुर्, To go with difficulty. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With नि, To acquire knowledge. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With निर्, To go forth or out. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With परि and उत्, To rise, as from a seat, &c. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With परि, गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 1. To surround. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 2. To go away. With प्रति and आङ्, To return to arrive at. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With वि, To go against as an enemy. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With सम्, (संगच्छते) गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 1. To go with, to accompany. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 2. To meet, to encounter, (संगच्छति) To go to, (in a transitive sense.) With सम् and आङ्, To meet, to unite. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With सम् and उप, To sub- mit to, to yield. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ With सु, गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 1. To go easily or well. गम (औ, ऌ) औगमॢ 2. To arrive at. गम m. (-मः) 1. Going, moving. 2. March, especially the march of an assailant. 3. A road. 4. A game played with dice and men, as backgammon, &c. 5. Acting inconsiderately, looking at any thing hastily and superficially. 6. Reading lightly, hasty or careless perusal, running over a book, &c. E. गम् to go, घञ् aff.