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   { visarjanīya }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
वि-सर्जनीय  mfn. mfn. (fr.वि-√ सृज्) to be sent forth or emitted &c., [W.]
वि सर्जनीय
वि-सर्जन   (fr.) see व्रत-विसर्जनीय
वि-सर्जनीय  m. m. (cf.वि-सर्ग above) N. of a symbol in grammar (usually marked by two perpendicular dots [:] representing a hard and distinctly audible aspiration ; it generally, but not always, occurs at the end of a word, often taking the place of final स् and र्; it is called विसर्जनीय either from its liability to berejected’ or from its being pronounced with a fullemission’ of breath, or from its usually appearing at the ‘end’ of a word or sentence; Paṇḍits in some parts of india seem to pronounce a vowel after it, e.g.नरः like नरह, अग्निः like अग्निहि), [Prāt.] ; [Pāṇ. &c.]
वि सर्जनीय


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
विसर्जनीय [visarjanīya] a.  a. To be abandoned &c.
-यः = विसर्ग (12)   q. v.

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