विचि f. 1. or विचीf. = वीचि, a wave, [L.] वि 2.-√ 1.चि (not always separable from - √ 2.चि) P. Ā. -चिनोति, -चिनुते (Impv. -चितन, -चियन्तु, [RV.] ), to segregate, select, pick out, cull, [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [MBh.] ; to divide, part (hair), [VS.] ; to take away, remove, disperse, [RV.] ; KātyŚr.; to clear, prepare (a road), [RV.] ; to distribute, ib.; to gather, collect, ib.; [Pañcat.] ; to pile or heap up in a wrong way, disarrange, [ŚBr.] वि 3.-√ 2.चि (cf. prec. ) P. -चिकेति, -चिनोति &c. (pr. p. -चिन्वत् and -चिन्वान), to discern, distinguish, [RV.] ; [TBr.] ; to make anything discernible or clear, cause to appear, illumine, [R.] ; to search through, investigate, inspect, examine, [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.; to look for, long for, strive after, ib.