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A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लिप्   (cf √ रिप्) cl. 6. 1.Ā.P. (xxviii, 139">[Dhātup. xxviii, 139] ) लिम्प॑ति, °ते (pf.लिलेप, [Br.] &c.; aor.अलिपत्, [Kathās.] ; अलिपत, अलिप्तGr.; -अलिप्सत, [RV.] ; fut.लेप्ता, लेप्स्यति, °तेGr.; inf.लेप्तुम्, ib.; ind.p.-लिप्य, [Br.] &c.),
to smear, besmear, anoint with (instr.), stain, soil, taint, pollute, defile, [TBr.] &c. &c.;
to inflame, kindle, burn, [Bhaṭṭ.] :
Pass.लिप्यते (ep. also °ति; aor.अलेपि),
to be smeared &c.;
to be attached to (loc.), stick, adhere, [ĪśUp.] :;
Caus.लेपयति (aor.अलीलिपत्), to cause to smear &c.;
to smear or anoint anything (acc.) with (instr.) or on (loc.), [Hcat.] ; [Suśr.] ;
to cover, [R.] ;
to cast blame on any one, [Sāy.] ;
(लिम्पयति), to smear anything (acc.) with (instr.) :
Desid.लिलिप्सति, °तेGr.:
Intens.लेलियते, लेलेप्तिib.<br>लिप्   [cf.Gk.ἀ-λείφω, λιπαρός, Lat.lippus; Lith.lípti; Goth.bileiban; Germ.bilíian, blîben, bleiben, leben, Leib; Angl.Sax.libban; Eng.live, life.]<br>


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लिप् [lip]   6 U. (लिम्पति-ते, लिप्त)<br>   To anoint, smear, besmear; लिम्पतीव तमोऽङ्गानि [Mk.1.34.] <br>   To cover, overspread; plaster; लिप्तेषु भासा गृहदेहलीनाम् [Śi.3.48.] <br>   To stain, pollute, defile, taint, contaminate; यः करोति स लिप्यते [Pt.4.64;]मां कर्माणि लिम्पन्ति [Bg.4.14;18.17;] [Ms.1.16.] <br>   To inflame, kindle; तस्यालिपत शोकाग्निः स्वान्तं काष्ठमिव ज्वलन् [Bk.6.22.] -Caus.<br>   To cast blame on anyone.<br>   To smear anything.<br>


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
लिप् (ञि, औ) ञि औलिप   r. 6th cl. (लिम्पति-ते)<br>लिप् (ञि, औ) ञि औलिप   1. To increase or add to.<br>लिप् (ञि, औ) ञि औलिप   2. To anoint, to smear, to plaster.<br>लिप् (ञि, औ) ञि औलिप   3. To cover.<br>लिप् (ञि, औ) ञि औलिप   4. To kindle, to inflame. 5. To stain, to pollute.<br>लिप् (ञि, औ) ञि औलिप   With अनु,<br>लिप् (ञि, औ) ञि औलिप   1. To besmear, to anoint.<br>लिप् (ञि, औ) ञि औलिप   2. To cover, to envelop.<br>लिप् (ञि, औ) ञि औलिप   With अव, To anoint.<br>लिप् (ञि, औ) ञि औलिप   With आ,<br>लिप् (ञि, औ) ञि औलिप   1. To besmear. 2. To contaminate.<br>लिप् (ञि, औ) ञि औलिप   With वि, To besmear.<br>


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  लेपनानुकूलव्यापारः।   Ex. सा गोमयेन भूमिं लिप्यति। <br>
()कर्मसूचक क्रिया (Verb of Action)क्रिया (Verb)
   see : आसञ्ज्<br>

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