मुच् 1.cl. 1. Ā. मोचते, to cheat, [Dhātup. vi, 12] (= √ मच्q.v. ) मुच् 2.cl. 6. Ā. P. ([Dhātup. xxviii, 136] ) मुञ्च॑ति, °ते ([RV.] also, मुच॑न्ति, मुचस्व; p. मुञ्चान, [MBh.] ; pf. , मुमो॑च, मुमुचे॑, Ved. , also, मुमो॑चत्, मु॑मोचति, मुमुचस्, मुमोक्तु, अमुमुक्तम्; aor. अ॑मोक्, [AV.] ; Impv. मोग्धि॑, [TĀr.] ; अमौक्, [Br.] ; अ॑मुचत्, [AV.] ; अमुक्षि, मुक्षत, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; Prec. मुचीष्ट, [RV.] ; मुक्षीय, ib.; fut. , मोक्ता, [Kālid.] ; मोक्ष्यति, °ते, [Br.] &c.; inf. मोक्तुम्, [Br.] &c.; ind.p. मुक्त्वा॑, ib., -मु॑च्य, [RV.] , मो॑कम्, [Br.] ), to loose, let loose, free, let go, slacken, release, liberate (‘from’, abl. or -तस्; Ā. and Pass. with abl. or instr. , rarely with gen. ‘to free one's self, get rid of, escape from’), [RV.] &c., &c. (with कण्ठम्, to relax the throat i.e. raise a cry; with रश्मीन्, to slacken the reins; with प्रा-णान्, to deprive of life, kill); to spare, let live, [R.] ; to set free, allow to depart, dismiss, despatch (‘to’, loc. or dat. ), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to relinquish, abandon, leave, quit, give up, set aside, depose, ib. (with कलेवरम्, देहम्, प्रा-णान् or जीवितम्, to quit the body or give up the ghost i.e. to die); to yield, grant, bestow, [Rājat.] ; [Campak.] ; to send forth, shed, emit, utter, discharge, throw, cast, hurl, shoot (‘at or upon’ loc. dat. , or acc. with or without प्रति; with abl. and आत्मानम्, to throw one's self down from), [Yājñ.] ; [MBh.] ; [R.] &c.; (Ā. ) to put on [Bhaṭṭ.] (Sch. ) : Pass. मुच्य॑ते (or मु॑च्यते, ep. also °ति and fut. मोक्ष्यति; aor. अ॑मोचि), to be loosed, to be set free or released, [RV.] &c. &c.; to deliver one's self from, to get rid of, escape (esp. from sin or the bonds of existence), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to abstain from (abl. ), [Pañcat.] ; to be deprived or destitute of (instr. ), [MBh.] : Caus. मोचयति (mc. also °ते; aor. अमूमुचत्), to cause to loose or let go or give up or discharge or shed (with two acc. ), [Megh.] ; [Bhaṭṭ.] ; to unloose, unyoke, unharness (horses), [MBh.] ; [R.] ; to set free, liberate, absolve from (abl. ), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.; to redeem (a pledge), [Yājñ.] ; to open (a road), [Prab.] ; to give away, spend, bestow, [MārkP.] ; to gladden, delight, yield enjoyment, [Dhātup. xxxiii, 66] : Desid. of Caus. मुमोचयिषति, to wish to deliver (from the bondage of existence), [Śaṃk.] (cf. , मुमोचयिषु) : Desid. मुमुक्षति, °ते, (P. ) to wish or be about to set free, Pāṇ. 7-4, 57 Sch. ; to be about to give up or relinquish (life), [Kathās.] ; to wish or intend to cast or hurl, [Ragh.] ; (Ā. ) to wish to free one's self, Pāṇ. 7-4, 57 Sch. ; to desire final liberation or beatitude, [RV.] ; [BhP.] (cf. √ मोक्ष्) : Intens. मोमुच्यते or मोनोक्तिGr. मुच् [cf. Gk. μύσσω, μῦκος, μυκτής; Lat. mungo, mucus.] मुच् mfn. 3.mfn. freeing or delivering from (See अंहो-म्°) जल letting go or letting fall, dropping, discharging, shooting, sending (See -, पर्ण-, सायक-म्° &c.) मुच् f. f. deliverance (See अ-मु॑च्).