Dictionaries | References


   { maghḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मघ  m. m. (√ मंह्) a gift, reward, bounty, [RV.]
   wealth, power, ib.
   a kind of flower, [L.]
  f. a partic. drug or medicine (also f(). ), [L.]
   also title or epithet).">N. of a द्वीप (s.v.), [L.]
   of a country of the म्लेच्छs, [L.]
मघ  f. f(, ). a species of grain, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मघः [maghḥ]   1 N. of one of the Dvīpas or divisions of the universe.
  N. N. of a country.
   A kind of drug or medicine.
  N. N. of the tenth lunar mansion; see मघा.
   see मघम्.
   घम् A kind of flower.
   a gift, present.
   wealth, riches (Ved.).-Comp.
-गन्धः   Mimusops Elengi. (बकुल).


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मघ  m.  (-घः)
   1. one of the Dwīpas or divisions of the universe.
   2. A country, that of the modern Mugs, or Ārrākān.
   3. A drug.
   4. pleasure, happiness.
   5. A kind of medicine.
  n.  (-घं) A kind of flower.
  f.  (-घा) The tenth lunar asterism, containing five stars figured by a house: it is sometimes considered to be confined to the plural number. (मघाः)
  f.  (-घा-घी) A sort of grain.
   E. मह to wor- ship, aff. कन् and changed to घ; or मघि-अच् पृषो० .
मह कन् घ; मघि-अच् पृषो० .

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