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   { jaraṇa }
Script: Devanagari


  स्त्री. पचन . अन्नांत स्टार्च मिसळला म्हणजे अन्नाचें जरण चांगलें होतें . - विवि २ . २५ . ८ . [ सं . जृ - जीर्ण ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जरण  mfn. mfn. old, decayed, iv, 33, 3; x, 40, 3">[RV. iv, 33, 3; x, 40, 3]
   solvent, promoting digestion, 42 and 45">[Suśr. i, 42 and 45]
जरण  n. m.n. cumin-seed, [L.]
जरण  m. m.nigella indica">nigella indica, [L.]
   Asa foetida, [L.]
   a kind of salt, [L.]
°र्णु   = , [Gal.]
   cassia Sophora">cassia Sophora, [L.]
जरण  n. n. the becoming old, [W.]
   decomposition, iii, 225">[Sarvad. iii, 225] (cf. 221)
   digestion, iii, 4 and 17">---10---
   one of the 10 ways in which an eclipse is supposed to end, [VarBṛS. v]
   costus speciosus">costus speciosus or arabicus, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जरण [jaraṇa] a.  a. [जॄ-ल्यु]
   old, decayed, infirm.
   Promoting digestion.
-णः, -णम्   Cummin seed.
   णा1 old age.
   णम् old age.
   one of the ten ways in which an eclipse is supposed to end.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
जरण  mfn.  (-णः-णा-णं) old, infirm, decayed.
  m.  (-णः)
   1. Cuminseed.
   2. A plant yielding a pungent seed, (nigella Indica.)
   3. A sort of salt, (bit-laban.)
   4. old age, becoming old and infirm.
  n.  (-णं) Asafœtida.
   E. जॄ to become old, affix ल्यु .
जॄ ल्यु .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 

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