Dictionaries | References ज जमणें Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 जमणें A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi English | | To assemble together; to gather or collect. 2 To congeal; to coagulate; to solidify or thicken gen. 3 To settle into compactness and firmness--the body. Ex. हें रसायन घे म्हणजे एका महिन्यांत शरीर जमेल. 4 To accumulate, lit. fig.--vegetation, business, engagements. 5 To succeed or answer; to serve well or to proceed prosperously--a business, efforts, affairs. Ex. म्यां फार यत्न केला परंतु लग्नाचें जमलें नाहीं; संसार जमत नाहीं. 6 To agree, accord, harmonize, match, blend, coalesce, consist in union--various ingredients, various dispositions. see जम. also to be confounded or mixed up with: as हे परभूमध्यें जमून गेले. 7 To be full and melodious; to swell upon the ear--singing, chanting. Ex. उघडे जाग्यामध्यें गाणें चांगलें जमत नाहीं. 8 To become opulent or substantial; to thrive and prosper. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 जमणें Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English | | v i assemble together, to gather or collect. congeal, coagulate. accumulate-vegetation, business, engagements. succeed or answer, serve well or proceed prosperouslya business, efforts, affairs. agree, accord, harmonize, blend, coalesce. be full and melodious, swell upon the earsinging or chanting. Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 जमणें महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi | | अ.क्रि. १ एकत्र येणें ; एकवटणें . २ घट्ट होणें ; गोठणें ; थिजणें इ० ३ दृढ आणि बळकट होणें ( शरीर ) ह्या औषधांनीं शरीर जमेल . ४ सांचणें ; चांगला होणें ; फळास येणें ( भाजीपाला ; उद्योग ) ५ भरभराटीला येणें ( उद्योग , प्रयत्न , काम ). संसार जमत नाहीं . ६ मिलाफ होणें ; सांगड असणें , मेळ बसणें ; जुळणें ; पटणें ; एकमत होणें ( नानाप्रकारचे स्वभाव , घटकावयव ); जम पहा . एकत्र होणें . मिश्रित होणें हे परभूमध्यें जमून गेले . ७ मधुर होणें ; मंजूळ होणें . कानास गोड लागणें ( गाणें ). उघडया जागेमध्यें गाणें चांगलें जमत नाहीं . ८ भरभराटीस येणें , श्रीमंत होणें [ हिं . जमना ; सं . यम - यमन . तुल० अर . जमूअ - जम्म = गर्दी , दाटी ] Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP