Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   To assemble together; to gather or collect. 2 To congeal; to coagulate; to solidify or thicken gen. 3 To settle into compactness and firmness--the body. Ex. हें रसायन घे म्हणजे एका महिन्यांत शरीर जमेल. 4 To accumulate, lit. fig.--vegetation, business, engagements. 5 To succeed or answer; to serve well or to proceed prosperously--a business, efforts, affairs. Ex. म्यां फार यत्न केला परंतु लग्नाचें जमलें नाहीं; संसार जमत नाहीं. 6 To agree, accord, harmonize, match, blend, coalesce, consist in union--various ingredients, various dispositions. see जम. also to be confounded or mixed up with: as हे परभूमध्यें जमून गेले. 7 To be full and melodious; to swell upon the ear--singing, chanting. Ex. उघडे जाग्यामध्यें गाणें चांगलें जमत नाहीं. 8 To become opulent or substantial; to thrive and prosper.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
 v i   assemble together, to gather or collect. congeal, coagulate. accumulate-vegetation, business, engagements. succeed or answer, serve well or proceed prosperouslya business, efforts, affairs. agree, accord, harmonize, blend, coalesce. be full and melodious, swell upon the earsinging or chanting.


 अ.क्रि.  एकत्र येणें ; एकवटणें . २ घट्ट होणें ; गोठणें ; थिजणें इ० ३ दृढ आणि बळकट होणें ( शरीर ) ह्या औषधांनीं शरीर जमेल . ४ सांचणें ; चांगला होणें ; फळास येणें ( भाजीपाला ; उद्योग ) ५ भरभराटीला येणें ( उद्योग , प्रयत्न , काम ). संसार जमत नाहीं . ६ मिलाफ होणें ; सांगड असणें , मेळ बसणें ; जुळणें ; पटणें ; एकमत होणें ( नानाप्रकारचे स्वभाव , घटकावयव ); जम पहा . एकत्र होणें . मिश्रित होणें हे परभूमध्यें जमून गेले . ७ मधुर होणें ; मंजूळ होणें . कानास गोड लागणें ( गाणें ). उघडया जागेमध्यें गाणें चांगलें जमत नाहीं . ८ भरभराटीस येणें , श्रीमंत होणें [ हिं . जमना ; सं . यम - यमन . तुल० अर . जमूअ - जम्म = गर्दी , दाटी ]

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