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last in, first out

Script: Latin

last in, first out     

शेवटी आत प्रथम बाहेर ( शेआप्रबा )
(abbr. LIFO)

last in, first out     

आंतिम आगत प्रथम गत
(abbr. LIFO)

last in, first out     

लोकप्रशासन  | English  Marathi
Accountancy Costing (being or relating to a method of valuing inventories by which items from the last lot received are assumed to be used or sold first and all requisitions are priced at the cost per item of the lot last stocked - as against first in, first out) अंतिम आगत, प्रथम गत

last in, first out     

अर्थशास्त्र | English  Marathi
अंतिम आगत प्रथम गत
(being or relating to a method of valuing inventories by which items from the last lot received are assumed to be used or sold first and all requisitions are priced at the cost per items of the lot last stocked as against "first in- first out")

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