Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सु—पुष्प  n. n.good flower’, cloves, [L.]
   the menstrual excretion, ib.
सु—पुष्प  mfn. mfn. having beaut° flowers, [Kāv.]
सु—पुष्प  m. m.Pterospermum Suberifolium, [L.]
   globeamaranth, ib.
रक्त-पुष्पक   = , ib.
हरिद्रु   = , ib.
   the coral tree, [W.]
   N. of a mythical king, [Inscr.]
सु—पुष्प  n. n. (only [L.] ) Curcuma Longa
   hibiscus Mutabilis">hibiscus Mutabilis
   Tabernaemontana Coronaria
तूल   =


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सुपुष्प  m.  (-ष्पः)
   1. The coral tree.
   2. The Śirīsha tree, (mimosa Sirisha.) n. (-ष्पं)
   1. Cloves.
   2. The menstrual excretion.
  f.  (-ष्पी)
   1. The plantain- tree.
   2. A sort of fennel, (Anethum sowa and panmorium.)
   3. A flower, (Clitoria ternatea, the white sort.)
  f.  (-ष्पा or -ष्पी) Adj. having beautiful flowers.
   E. सु excellent, पुष्प a flower.

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