श्रावक mfn. amf(इका)n. hearing, listening to (
comp. ),
[Vās.] audible from afar,
[Śiś.] श्रावक m. m. a pupil, disciple,
[Mālatīm.] श्रावक a disciple of the
बुद्ध (the disciples of the
हीन-यान school are sometimes so called in contradistinction to the disciples of the
महा-यान school; properly only those who heard the law from the
बुद्ध's own lips have the name , and of these two,
viz. Sāriputta and
Moggallāna, were
अग्र-श्रावकs, ‘chief disciples’, while eighty, including
उपालि, and
आनन्द, were
महा-श्रावकs or ‘great disciples’),
[MWB. 47, 75] a
जैन disciple (regarded by orthodox
Hindūs as a heretic),
[MW.] a crow,
[L.] a sound audible from afar,
[Śiś.] that faculty of the voice which makes a sound audible to a distance,
[L.] श्रावक b &c. See
p. 1097, col. 1.