शमन mfn. mf(ई)n. calming, tranquillizing, soothing, allaying, extinguishing, destroying, KātyŚr.; [MBh.] &c. शमन m. m. ‘settler, destroyer’, N. of यम, [Daś.] a kind of antelope, [L.] a kind of pea, [L.] शमन n. n. the act of calming, appeasing, allaying, tranquillization, pacification, extinction, destruction, [Kauś.] ; [MBh.] &c. killing, slaying, immolation, [Kauś.] chewing, swallowing, [L.] चमन a mode of sipping water (prob. for ), [MW.] शपन malediction, reviling (w.r. for ), [W.]