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   { vyōman }
Script: Devanagari


व्योमन् n.  (सो. क्रोष्टु.) एक राजा, जो भागवत, विष्णु, मत्स्य एवं वायु के अनुसार दशार्ह राजा का पुत्र था । इसके पुत्र का नाम जीमूत था (दाशार्ह देखिये) ।


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English
व्य्ोमन्  mfn. 1.mfn. (for 2. See s.v.) one who cannot be saved (?), [Kāṭh.]
व्योमन्  m. 2.m. (for 1. See p. 1029, col. 1; accord. to [Uṇ. iv, 150] fr.व्येaccord. to others fr.वि-√ अव् or √ वे) heaven, sky, atmosphere, air (व्योम्ना, व्योम-मार्गेण or -वर्त्मना, ‘through the air’), [RV.] &c. &c.
space, [Kap.]
ether (as an element), [Kāv.] ; [Pur.] ; [Suśr.]
wind or air (of the body), [BhP.]
water, [L.]
talc, mica, [L.]
a temple sacred to the sun, [L.]
a partic. high number, [L.]
the 10th astrol. mansion, [VarBṛS.]
रक्षण   preservation, welfare, [TS.] (= Sch.)
व्योमन्  m. m. a partic.एकाह, [ŚrS.]
N. of प्रजा-पति or the Year (personified), [TS.] ; [VS.] ([Mahīdh.] )
of विष्णु, [Viṣṇ.]
व्योम   of a son of दशार्ह, [Hariv.] ; [Pur.] (v.l.).


व्योमन् [vyōman]  n. n. [व्ये-मनिन् पृषो˚ [Uṇ.4.15] ]
The sky, atmosphere; अस्त्वेवं जडधामता तु भवतो यद् व्योम्नि विस्फूर्जसे [K. P.1;] [Me.53;] [R.12.67;] [N.22.54.]
A temple sacred to the sun.
Talc. -Comp.
-आख्यम्   talc, mica.
-उदकम्   rain-water, dew.
-केशः,   -कोशनm. an epithet of Śiva.
-गः   a divine being.
-गङ्गा   the heavenly Ganges.
-गमनीविद्या   the magic art of flying.-चरः a planet.
-चारिन्  m. m.
a god.
a bird.
a saint.
a Brāhmaṇa.
a heavenly body.
-धारणः   mercury.
-धूमः   a cloud.
-देवः  N. N. of Śiva.
-नाशिका   a kind of quail.
-पुष्पम्   an impossibility, absurdity (as a flower in the air).
-मञ्जरम्, -मण्डलम्   a flag, banner.
-माय a.  a. reaching to the sky.
-मुद्गरः   a gust of wind.
-यानम्   a celestial car.
-रत्नम्   the sun.
a deity, god.
a Gandharva; ज्वलन्मणि व्योमसदां सना- तनम् [Ki.8.1.]
a spirit.
-संभवा   a spotted cow.
-स्थली   the earth.
-स्पृश् a.  a. 'sky-touching', very lofty.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English
व्योमन्  n.  (-म)
1. Sky, heaven, atmosphere.
2. Water.
3. A temple, sacred to the sun, or place where he is especially worshipped.
4. Talc.
E. व्येञ् to cover, Unādi aff. मनिन्, form irr.
व्येञ् मनिन्

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