वि-√ सृ P. -सरति,
-सिसर्ति (
Ved. and
ep. also
Ā. perf. वि-सस्रे,
[RV.] ), to run or flow through,
[RV.] ;
to spread out in various directions, extend (intr.),
[R.] ;
[Śiś.] ;
Ā. ) to open or unfold one's self (with
[RV. x, 71, 4] ;
to be separated, part from (
instr. ),
[AV.] ;
to go forth in various directions, disperse,
[MBh.] ;
to come forth, issue from (
abl. or
to rush upon (
acc. ),
[MBh.] :
Caus. -सारयति, to send forth,
[R.] ;
to stretch forth, extend,