Dictionaries | References


   { mithas }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मिथस्  n. ind. together, together with (instr.), mutually, reciprocally, alternately, to or from or with each other, [RV.] &c., &c.
   privately, in secret, [Mn.] ; [Kālid.] ; [Daś.]
   by contest or dispute, [BhP.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मिथस् [mithas]   ind.
   mutually, reciprocally, to each other; कामान्माता पिता चैनं यदुत्पादयतो मिथः [Ms.2.147;] oft. in comp. मिथःप्रस्थाने [Ś.2.;] मिथःसमयात् [Ś.5.]
   In secret or private, secretly, privately; भर्तुः प्रसादं प्रतिनन्द्य मूर्ध्ना वक्तुं मिथः प्राक्रमतैवमेनम् [Ku.3.2;6.1;] [R.13.1.]
   alternately, by turns. -Comp.
-असम्बन्धन्यायः   a rule of interpretation according to which subsidiary portions (of a sentence) cannot be connected with one another. this rule is discussed by Jaimini and Śabara in 'गुणानां च परार्थत्वादसम्बन्धः समत्वात् स्यात्' [MS.3.1.22] and भाष्य thereon.
-कृत्यम्   mutual obligation.
-समयः   mutual agreement.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मिथस्   Ind.
   1. mutually, reciprocally.
   2. privately.
   E. मिथ् to pair, aff. असुन् and the vowel unchanged.
मिथ् असुन्

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