Dictionaries | References


   { bhāvāṭḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
भावाट  m. am. (only [L.] ) = भावक, affection, emotion
   the external expression of amatory feeling
   a pious or holy man
   an amorous man
   an actor
   dress, decoration.
भावाट   bभावा-व see under भाव.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
भावाटः [bhāvāṭḥ]   [भावं भावेन वा अटति, अट्-अण् अच् वा]
   emotion, passion, sentiment.
   The external indication of the feeling of love.
   A pious or holy man.
   An amorous man.
   An actor.
   decoration, dress.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
भावाट  m.  (-टः)
   1. The external expression or indication of amatory [Page530-b+ 60] feeling.
   2. A pious or holy man.
   3. An actor.
   4. A libidinous man. 5. dress, decoration.
   E. भाव the sentiment or disposition, अट् to go with, aff. अण् or अच् .

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