Dictionaries | References ब बन्धुर { bandhura } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बन्धुर हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi | | see : असमतल, झुका, पक्षी, सुंदर, हंस, विनम्र, खली, बगुला, मुकुट, आकर्षक, बहरा, काकड़ासींगी, गुलदुपहरिया, गुलदुपहरिया, गुलदुपहरिया Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बन्धुर A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | बन्धुर mfn. 1.mf(आ)n. (42 Sch.">[Uṇ. i, 42] Sch.; cf.[Vām. v, 2, 42] ) bent, inclined, [Kāv.] ; [Pañcat.] curved, rounded, pleasant, beautiful, charming, [Inscr.] ; [Kālid.] ; [Caurap.] (ifc.) adorned with, [Kād.] undulating, uneven, [L.] बधिर deaf, [L.] (cf.) injurious, mischievous, [W.] बन्धुर m. m. (only [L.] ) a bird a goose ArdeaNivea Pentapetes Phoenicea embelia Ribes">embelia Ribes a partic. bulbous plant growing on the हिम-वत् mountain, [L.] oil-cake the vulva, [L.] बन्धुर n. n. a diadem, crest, [L.] बन्धुर n. 2.n. (for 1. see above) = वन्धुर, [VS.] ; [AV.] ; [MBh.] (B.) Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बन्धुर The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English | | बन्धुर [bandhura] a. a. [बन्ध्-उरच्] undulating, wavy, uneven; प्रसकलकुचबन्धुरोद्धुरोरः [Śi.7.34;] [Ku.1.42;] [U.6.25;] अयं रक्षोनाथः क्षितिधरशिरोबन्धुरतरे (रथे तिष्ठन्) [Mv.6.3.] bent, inclined, bowed; बन्धुरगात्रि [R.13.47;] (= सन्नताङ्गि). crooked, curved. pleasing, handsome, beautiful, lovely; कथं नु तं बन्धुरकोमलाङ्गुलिम् [Ś.6.12] (where it may mean 'undulating' also); समस्तशास्त्रस्मृतिबन्धुरे मुखे [K.3;] बन्धुरा लावण्यधरा कन्धरा [Dk.1.1.] deaf. injurious, mischievous. रः A goose. A crane. A drug. An oil-cake. The vulva. The बन्धुजीव tree.-राः m. (pl.) parched corn or meal thereof.-रा An unchaste woman. रम् A diadem. A band, rope; पञ्चबन्धुरम् (रथम्) [Bhāg.4.26.1.] Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बन्धुर Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English | | बन्धुर mfn. (-रः-रा-रं) uneven, undulating, wavy, partially even and de- pressed. 2. bowed, bent. 3. pleasing, delightful, handsome, beauti- ful. 4. deaf. 5. injurious, mischievous. m. (-रः) 1. A goose. 2. A flower, (Pentapetes Phœnicea.) 3. A drug, commonly Biranga. 4. A bird. 5. A crane. 6. A drug, commonly Rishabha. 7. The vulva. n. (-रं) 1. A diadem, a crest. 2. The dregs of oil, or oil-cake. 3. A hole. f. (-रा) A whore, a prostitute. f. plu. (-राः) The meal of parched corn. E. बन्ध् to bind, उरच् Unādi aff.; also ROOTS:बन्ध् उरच् with ऊरच् aff. बन्धूर . Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 बन्धुर संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit Sanskrit | | see : बधिर, चेष्टालु, जिह्म, उर्मिमत्, सुन्दर Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP