पिच्छ r.
6. th cl. (
1. To pain or torture.
2. To hinder.
r. 10th cl. (
पिच्छयति) To cut, to divide.
तु० पर० सक० सेट् .पिच्छ n. (
1. The tail of a peacock.
2. A crest.
3. The feather of a tail.
4. The feather of an arrow.
m. (
-च्छः) A tail in general.
f. (
1. The gum of the silk cotton tree.
2. A line, a row or range.
3. A diseased affection of a horse's feet.
4. The nut of the Areca, betel-nut.
5. A plantain.
6. The scum of boiled rice.
7. A sort of body dress, or jacket.
8. The venomous saliva of a snake.
9. The Sisu tree, (Dalbergia Sisu.)
10. A she- ath, a coat or cover.
11. An armour.
12. A multitude, a heap. 13. The calf of the leg.
14. The Indian cuckoo.
15. The exudation of the Sālmalī tree.
E. पिच्छ् to divide, aff.
घञ् or
अच् .