Dictionaries | References


   { pāṃsu }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पांसु  m. m. crumbling soil, dust, sand (mostly pl.), [AV.] &c. &c.
   dung, manure, [L.]
   the pollen of a flower, [MW.]
रजस्   (prob.) the menses, [Car.] (cf.)
   a species of plant, [Bhpr.]
   a kind of camphor, [L.]
   landed property, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पांसु [pāṃsu] शु [śu] रः [rḥ]   (शु) रः 1 A gad-fly.
   A cripple moved about in a wheel-chair.
पांसु [pāṃsu] शु [śu] ल [l]   (शु) ल a. [पांसुरस्त्यस्य सिघ्मा˚ लच्]
   dusty, covered with dust; परिपाण्डु पांसुलकपोलमाननम् [Māl.2.4.]
   polluted, defiled, sullied, stained; दारत्यागी भवाम्याहो परस्त्रीस्पर्शपांशुलः [Ś.5.29.]
   Defiling, disgracing, dishonouring; as in कुलपांसुल.
   लः A profligate or licentious person, libertine, gallant.
   one of the weapons of Śiva.
   An epithet of Śiva.
-लः, -लम्   A dusty place.
   ला A menstruous woman.
   An unchaste or licentious woman; अ˚ a chaste woman, अपांसुलानां धुरि कीर्तनीया [R.2.2.]
   The earth.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
पांसु  m.  (-सुः)
   1. dust.
   2. manure.
   3. A kind of camphor.
   E. पसि to bind, &c., aff. कु, also पांशु.

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