नस् 1. encl. form for acc. gen. dat. pl. of the Ist pers. pron. ([Pāṇ. 7-l, 1, 21] ), us, of us, to us; in वेद changeable into णस् (4, 27; 28). नस् [cf. Zd. na, our; Gk. νῶϊ, νώ,; Lat. nos-ter; Old Lat. dat. nis.] नस् 2.cl. 1. Ā. ([Dhātup. xvi, 26] ) न॑सते (aor. Pot. नसीमहि, [RV. ii, 16, 8] ; pf. नेसे; fut. नसिताGr. ) to approach, resort to, join, copulate (esp. as husband and wife), [RV.] ; to be crooked or fraudulent, [Dhātup.] नस् [cf. Gk. νέ (σ) μαι, να- (σ) ίω, νόσ-τος;Goth. ga-nizan, nas-jan; Angl.Sax. genësan; HGerm. ginësan, genesen.] नस् f. 3. or नास्f. (the strong stem occurs only in du. ना॑सा, [RV. ii, 39, 6] , the weak stem only in नसा॑, नसि॑, नसो॑स् [cf. [Pāṇ. 6-1, 63] ] and in comp. ) the nose, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] ; [TS.] ; [BhP.] नस् [cf. नासा, नासिका; Lat. nas-turciunm, nāres; Lith. nósis; Slav. nosû; Germ. Nase; Angl.Sax. nosu; Eng. nose, nostril = nose-thrill, nose-hole.]