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   { dambh }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दम्भ्   a or दभ्cl. 1. (Subj.द॑भत् and °भाति, [RV.] ; pl.°भन्ति, vii, °भन्, i f., x and, [AV.] ; Pot.°भेयम्, [TS. i, 6, 2, 4] ) and cl. 5.दभ्नो॑ति (‘to goii, 14">[Naigh. ii, 14] ; Impv.°नुहि, [AV. x, 3, 3] ; cf.Ā., Pass.दभ्यते, 41, 1">[RV. i, 41, 1] ; pf.ददाभ, 32, 7">v, 32, 7; °द॑म्भ [[Pāṇ. 1-2, 6] ; [Siddh.] ] [AV. v, 29] ; pl.देभुर् [[Pāṇ. 6-4, 120] , Vārtt. 4, ---10--- ] 13;x, 89, 5">[RV. i, 147, 3=iv, 4, 13;x, 89, 5] ; also ददम्भुर् and 2.sg. देभिथ or ददम्भिथ, [Pāṇ. 1-2, 6] ; ---13--- ; aor.pl.ददभन्त, ---14--- ; अदम्भिषुर्, xv, 3">[Bhaṭṭ. xv, 3] )
to hurt, injure, destroy, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [TS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; ---20--- ; [Bhaṭṭ.] ;
to deceive, abandon, 84. 20">[RV. i, 84. 20] ; iv f., viii">[VS. iv f., viii] :
Caus. (Subj. and p.दम्भ॑यत्; 2. sg.°यस्, °य)
to destroy, [RV.] ; [AV.] ;
दम्भयति or दाभ्°, to impel, xxxii, 132">[Dhātup. xxxii, 132] ;
दम्भयते, to accumulate, xxx, 4 :
Desid.दि॑प्सति (Subj. [iv, 36, 1 f.">[AV. iv, 36, 1 f.] ] and p.दि॑प्सत्) to intend to injure or destroy, [RV.] ; ---29--- ; xi, 80">[VS. xi, 80] ;
धिप्स्°, धीप्स्°, दिदम्भिषति, Pāṇ. 7-2, 49 and 4, 56 (1-2, 10 [Pat.] )
दम्भ्   b seeदभ्.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
दम्भ् [dambh]   I. 5 P. see दभ्. -ii. Caus. or 1 U. (दम्भयति- ते)
   To kill, destroy, strike down.
   (Ā.) To collect, arrange, string.

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