त्विष् 1. (cl. 1. त्वेषति, °ते, [Dhātup.] ; aor. अत्विक्षत् [cf. [Pāṇ. 7-2, 10] ; [Kār.] ] [Vop.] ; pl. अ॑त्विषुर्, °षन्त, अ॑तित्विषन्त; pf. तित्विषे॑, p. °षाण॑) Ā. to be violently agitated or moved or excited or troubled, [RV.] ; ( P. ), [Bhaṭṭ.] ; Ā. P. to excite, instigate, [RV. i, x] ; to shine, glitter, 96, 15">viii, 96, 15; [Nir.] ; 46, 45">[BhP. x, 46, 45] ( pr. p. त्विष्यत्); cf. अव-. त्विष् f. 2.f. violent agitation, vehemence, violence, fury, perplexity, iv f., viii, x">[RV. iv f., viii, x] ; ---10--- light, brilliance, glitter, splendour, beauty, authority, viii, 43, 3">[RV. viii, 43, 3] ; [MBh.] &c. colour, xxxii, 21">[VarBṛS. xxxii, 21] [lxiv, 3] ; ---15--- ; [Ratnâv.] ; [Kathās.] speech, [L.]