जू 1. ( cf. √ जिन्व्), cl. 1. Ā. cl. 9. P. ज॑वते, जुना॑ति (√ जुcl. 1. P. जवति, [Dhātup. xxii, 60] v.l. ; a सौत्र root, [Pāṇ. 3-2, 177; 3, 97 and 4, 80] ; [Kāś.] ; Subj. 2. sg. जुना॑स्; aor. Subj. जूजुवत्; pf. 3. pl. जूजुवुर्) to press forwards, hurry on, be quick, [RV. iii, 33, 1] ; [ŚBr. x] ; to impel quickly, urge or drive on, incite, [RV.] ; [TS. vi] ; to scare, [RV. i, 169, 3] ; to excite, promote, animate, inspire, [RV.] : Caus. aor. अजीजवत्, [Pāṇ. 7-4, 80] Sch. : Caus. Desid. जिजवयिषति, ib.; [Kāś.] ; cf. प्र-. जू m. 2.mfn. ( [Pāṇ. 3-2, 177 and 178] , Vārtt. 2) quick, speedy, ( m.) courser, [RV. i, 134, 1 and 140, 4] जुर् ( ii, 14, 3?acc. pl. ; See 2.) inciting, driving, [VS. ii, 17] ; [ŚBr. x, 3, 5, 2 and 5] , जू f. f. speed, [L.] the atmosphere, [L.] a female goblin, [L.] सरस्वती, [L.] a spot on the forehead (?) of horses and oxen, [Uṇ.] Sch. अपी cf. -, कशो-, धी-, नभो-, मनो-, यातु-, वयो-, वसू-, विश्व-, सद्यो-, सना-, and सेना-जू॑.