च्यौत्न [cyautna] a. a. [च्यु गतौ करणे त्नण्]
Animating, enlivening. भुवो नॄँश्च्यौत्नो विश्वस्मिन् भरे
[Rv.1.5.4.] A goer.
Abandoned; wicked, void of virtue.
त्नम् Shaking, concussion; पुरां च्यौत्नाय शयथाय नू चित्
[Rv.6.] 18.8.
Enterprise; प्र च्यौत्नानि देवयन्तो भरन्ते
[Rv.1.173.] 4.
Strength. ing or bearing an umbrella;
[Ms.2.178.] carrying an umbrella as a type of royal authority.
पतिः a king over whom an umbrella is carried as a mark of dignity, a sovereign, emperor.
N. N. of an ancient king in जम्बुद्वीप.
भङ्गः 'destruction of the royal parasol', loss of dominion, deposition.
a forlorn condition, widowhood.