गिर् mfn. 1.mfn. (√ 1.गॄ) addressing, invoking, praising, [RV.] गिर् f. f. (ई॑र्) invocation, addressing with praise, praise, verse, song, [RV.] (the मरुत्s are called ‘sons of praise’, सून॑वो गि॑रः, 37, 10">i, 37, 10), [AV.] मानुषीं गिरं speech, speaking, language, voice, words (e.g. √ 1.कृ, to assume a human voice, [Nal. i, 25] ; गिरां प्रभविष्णुः [[VarBṛS.] ] or पति [[VarYogay.] ] = गिर्-ईशq.v. ; तद्-गिरा, on his advice, [Kathās. lxxv] ), [ChUp.] ; [Mn.] ; [Yājñ.] ; ---10--- &c. गीर्-देवी = , fame, celebrity, [W.] a kind of mystical syllable, [RāmatUp.] ; गिर् [cf. Hib. gair, ‘an outcry, shout’; Gk. γῆρυς.] गिर् mfn. 2.mfn. (√ 2.गॄ) ifc. ‘swallowing’ see गर- and मुहुर्-गि॑र्. गिर् m. 3.m. = गिरि॑, a mountain, 41, 14 and vii, 39, 5">[RV. v, 41, 14 and vii, 39, 5] ; iv, 59.">---14---