गण्ड f. m. (cf. गल्ल) the cheek, whole side of the face including the temple (also said of animals e.g. of an ox, [VarBṛS.] ; of a horse, ib.; of an elephant [cf. -करट] [Pañcat.] ; [BhP.] &c.), [Yājñ.] &c. (ifc. f(आ). , [Ṛtus.] ; f(ई). , [Kathās. xx] ) the side, [Rāmapūjāsar.] a bubble, boil, pimple, [Suśr.] ; [Śak. ii] (Prākṛt), [Mudr.] ; [Vop.] a goitre or any other excrescence of the neck, [AitBr. i, 25] ; [Car. i] ; [Suśr.] a joint, bone, [L.] the bladder, [L.] a mark, spot, [L.] part of a horse's trappings, stud or button fixed as an ornament upon the harness, [L.] गण्डक a rhinoceros (cf. and °डा-ङ्ग), [L.] गण्डीर a hero (cf. ), [L.] -ग्राम ‘the chief’, best, excellent (only in comp. ; cf. , -मूर्ख, -शिला, &c.), [L.] N. of the 10th astrological योग गण्डान्त an astronomical period (cf. ), [W.] a pledge, [Mṛcch.] गण्ड mn. mn. the abrupt interchange of question and answer (one of the characteristics of the dramatic composition called वीथि), [Sāh. vi, 256 and 260] ; [Daśar.] ; [Pratāpar.]