Dictionaries | References क कृकर Script: Devanagari See also: कृकल Meaning Related Words कृकर महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 पु. १ ढेंकरेंच्या वेळच्या वायु . पंच उपप्राणांपैकीं एक कूर्म पहा . ' आणि जांभई शिंक ढेंकर । ऐसैसा होतसें व्यापार । नाग कूर्म कृकर । इत्यादि होय । ' - ज्ञा . १८ . ३४१ . ' नागकूर्मं कृकल देवदत्त । ' - एभा १२ . ३२१ . ' शिंका ज्या . करितां येती । कृकल म्हणोनी त्यास म्हणती । ' - यथा १८ . १००४ . ( सं .) कृकर A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 कृकर m. m. a kind of partridge (= कृकणq.v.), [SāmavBr.] ; [R. iv, 50, 2] a kind of pepper (Piper Chaba), [L.] the fragrant oleander tree (?), [L.] one of the five vital airs (that which assists in digestion), [Vedântas.] N. of शिव, [L.] कृकर Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 कृकर m. (-रः)1. A name of SIVA.2. One of the five vital airs, that which assists in digestion.3. A kind of partridge: see कृकण.4. A sort of pepper, (P. chavya.)5. The oleander tree.E. कृक the throat, and र what gets or receives; or कृ imitative sound, and कर what makes, from कृ to make or do, affix अप्. ROOTS:कृक र कृ कर कृ अप् Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP