कियत् n. mfn. (fr. 1.कि, [Pāṇ. 5-2, 40; 6-3, 90] ), how great? how large? how far? how much? of what extent? of what qualities? [RV.] ; [AV.] &c. (Ved. loc. कि॑याति with following आ॑, how long ago? since what time? [RV. i, 113, 10; ii, 30, 1] ; कियत्य् अध्वनि, at what distance? how far off? [MBh. xiv, 766] ; कियद् एतद्, of what importance is this to (gen. ), [Kathās. iii, 49] ; तेन कियान् अर्थः, what profit arises from that? [BhP.] ; कियच् चिरम्ind. how long? [Kathās.] ; कियच् चिरेण, in how long a time? how soon? [Śak.] ; कियद् दूरे, how far? [Pañcat. lii, 4] ; कियद् रोदिमि, what is the use of my weeping? [Kād.] ; कियद् असुभिस्, what is the use of living? [BhP. i, 13, 22] ) कियद्-वक्र little, small, unimportant, of small value (often in comp. , e.g. , a little bent Comm. on [Yājñ.] ; कियद् अपि, how large or how far soever, [Pañcat.] ; या॑वत् कि॑यच् च, how large or how much soever, of what qualities soever, [AV. viii, 7, 13] ; [ŚBr.] ) कियत् n. ind. how far? how much? how? [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [ŚBr.] a little, [Pañcat.] ; [Hit.]