उप-√ सृज् P. Ā. -सृजति, -सृजते (aor. Ā. 1. sg. -सृक्षि, [RV. ii, 35, 1] : Pass. 3. sg. -सर्जि, [RV. ix, 69, 1] ) to let loose upon or towards; to let stream upon, pour on, shed forth, [RV. vi, 36, 4; x, 98, 12] ; [VS. xi, 38] ; [TS. v] ; [TBr. i] ; [ŚBr. iii] ; to emit towards, cause to go near, bring or lead near, [RV.] ; [BhP.] ; to admit (a calf to its mother), [RV. viii, 72, 7; ix, 69, 1] ; [VS.] ; [ŚBr.] ; [ŚāṅkhŚr.] &c.; to add, subjoin, increase, [AitBr.] ; [ĀśvŚr.] ; [APrāt.] &c.; to visit, afflict, plague, trouble, [ŚBr. xiv] ; to come together or into contact with, [Car.] ; to cause, effect, [BhP. iv, 19, 19] : Caus. See उप-सर्जित.