उप-√ नी 1.P. Ā. -नयति,
-ते (
Ā. Pot. -नयीत,
[HirGṛ. i, 1, 2] ;
p. -न॑यमान,
[AV.] )
to lead or drive near, bring near, bring, adduce, offer,
[RV. ii, 3, 10; iii, 35, 3] ;
[ŚBr.] ;
[TBr.] ;
[MBh.] ;
[Mn.] ;
[Ragh.] ;
to bring information, communicate;
to lead or bring near to one's self, take possession of
[R.] ;
[Kathās.] ;
to lead, guide,
[MBh.] ;
[BhP.] ;
to lead or draw towards one's self (said of the Guru who, in the ceremony of initiation, draws the boy towards himself);
to initiate into one of the twice-born classes by investing with the sacred thread &c. (only
Ā. [Pāṇ. 1-3, 36] ),
[AV. xi, 5, 3] ;
[ŚBr.] ;
[ĀśvGṛ.] ;
[ŚāṅkhGṛ.] &c.,
[Mn.] &c.;
to bring about, produce, cause,
[Gīt.] ;
[Prab.] ;
[Sāh.] ;
to bring into any state, reduce to,
[R.] ;
[Hariv.] ;
[Kām.] &c.;
to take into one's service (only
Ā. [Pāṇ. 1-3, 36] ) :
Caus. -नाययति, to cause to initiate (a pupil),
[Mn. xi, 191.] उप-नी 2. (
उप-नि-√ इ)
P. -न्य्-एति, to enter into, move towards,