अवस् n. 1.n. (√ अव्), favour, furtherance, protection, assistance, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [VS.] refreshing, [RV.] enjoyment, pleasure, [RV.] -स्व्-अवस् wish, desire (as of men for the gods &c., [RV.] , or of the waters for the sea, [RV. viii, 16, 2] ) (cf. .) अवस् n. 2.ind. (once, before म्, अव॑र्, [RV. i, 133, 6] ; cf. [Pāṇ. 8-2, 70] ) (fr. 2.अ॑व) downwards, [RV.] अस् ( a prep. ) down from (abl. or instr. ), [RV.] below (with instr. ), [RV. i, 164, 7 and 18, x, 67, 4.]