वि-शेष f. am. (once in [Pañcat.] n.; ifc. f(आ). ) distinction, difference between (two gen. , two loc. , or gen. and instr. ), [GṛŚrS.] ; [MBh.] &c. characteristic difference, peculiar mark, special property, speciality, peculiarity, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. वृक्ष-व्° a kind, species, individual (e.g. , a species of tree, in comp. often also = special, peculiar, particular, different, e.g. छन्दो-व्°, ‘a particular metre’, विशेष-मण्डन, ‘a peculiar ornament’; अर्घ-विशेषाः, ‘different prices’), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. (pl. ) various objects, [Megh.] आकृति-व्° distinction, peculiar merit, excellence, superiority (in comp. often = excellent, superior, choice, distinguished e.g. , ‘an excellent form’ ; cf. विशेष-प्रतिपत्ति), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. वि-शेषक (in gram.) a word which defines or limits the meaning of another word (cf. and वि-शेषण) (in phil. ) particularity, individuality, essential difference or individual essence (with the वैशेषिकs the 5th cate gory or पदार्थ, belonging to the 9 eternal substances or द्रव्यs, viz. soul, time, place, ether, and the 5 atoms of earth, water, light, air, and mind, which are said to be so essentially different that one can never be the other), [IW. 66 &c.] (in medicine) a favourable turn or crisis of a sickness, [Suśr.] विशेषोक्ति (in rhet. ) statement of difference or distinction, individualization, variation, [Kuval.] (cf. ) तिलक a sectarian mark, any mark on the forehead (= ), [L.] (in geom. ) the hypotenuse, [Śulbas.] N. of the primary elements or महा-भूतs (q.v. ), [MaitrUp.] the earth as an element, [BhP.] the mundane egg, ib. विराज् = , ib. वि-शेष mfn. mf(आ)n. extraordinary, abundant, [Ragh. ii, 14] (B. विशेषात् for विशेषा) वि-शेष b &c. See p. 990, col. 2.