अम्भस् n. n. (cf. अभ्र॑, अ॑म्बु), water, [RV.] &c., the celestial waters, [AitUp.] power, fruitfulness, [VS.] and, [AV.] आंसि pl. () collective N. for gods, men, Manes, and असुरs, [TBr.] and, [VP.] , (hence) (अस्) sg. the number ‘four’ व् mystical N. of the letter अस N. of a metre (consisting of 82 syllables), [RPrāt.] , (), instr. in comp. for अम्भस् (e.g. अम्भसाकृत ‘done by water’), [Pāṇ. 6-3, 3] असी du. () heaven and earth, [Naigh.] [Gk. ὄμβροςइम्बेर्].