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   { surabhipaṭṭaṇa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
SURABHIPAṬṬAṆA   An urban area of olden days in south india. during the Mahābhārata days Sahadeva deputed an envoy to this place and brought it under his control. [Sabhā Parva, Chapter 31, Verse 68] . SURABHŪ. A sister of Kaṁsa. Ugrasena, the Yādava king had 80 sons including Kaṁsa and five daughters Kaṁsā, Mārīṣā, Kākā, Surabhū and Rāṣṭrapālikā. [Bhāgavata, Skandha 9] .

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