वास्तु [vāstu] m. m., n. [वस्-तुण्
[Uṇ.1.77] ]
The site of a house, building ground, site.
A house, an abode, a dwelling-place; रवेरविषये वास्तु किं न दीपः प्रकाशयेत् Subhāṣ.
A chamber. -Comp.
-कर्मन् n. n. house-building, architecture; वास्तुकर्मानिवेशम्
[Rām.1.3.16.] -कालः the time suited for building a house.
-ज्ञानम् architecture.
-देवता, -पालः the tutelary deity of a house.-यागः a sacrifice performed on the occasion of laying the foundation of a house.
-विधानम् house-building.
-शमनम्, -संशमनम्, -शान्तिः f. f. a religious rite performed on the occasion of laying the foundation of a new house, particularly on the occasion of entering it.
-संपादनम् the preparation of a house;
[Ms.3.225.] -स्थापनम् the erection of a house.
वास्तु [vāstu] स्तू [stū] कम् [kam] (स्तू) कम् Chenopodium Album (Mar. चाकवत).