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   { mātaṅgḥ, mātaṅga }
Script: Latin


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
   sage Mataṅga was known by this name also. (see under Mataṅga).


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मातङ्गः [mātaṅgḥ]   [मतङ्गस्य मुनेरयम् अण्]
   An elephant; मातङ्गाः किमु वल्गितैः [K. P.7;] [Śi.1.64.]
   A man of the lowest caste, a Chāṇḍāla.
   A Kirāta, mountaineer or barbarian.
   (At the end of comp.) any thing the best of its kind; e. g. बलाहकमातङ्गः.
   ङ्गी N. of Pārvatī.
  N. N. of Vasiṣṭha's wife.
  N. N. of one of the ten Mahāvidyās.
   A Chāṇḍāla lady; नताङ्गी मातङ्गी रुचिर- गीतभङ्गी Ā. L. -Comp.
-कुमारी   a Chāṇḍāla girl. -जa. elephantine.
-दिवाकरः  N. N. of a poet.
-नक्रः, -मकरः   a crocodile as large as an elephant; मातङ्गनक्रैः सहसो- त्पतद्भिर्भिन्नान् द्विधा पश्य समुद्रफेनान् [R.13.11.]
-लीला  N. N. of a medical work.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मातङ्ग  m.  (-ङ्गः)
   1. An elephant.
   2. A man of a degraded caste, a Chandāla, and outeaste.
   3. A sort of divine being attendant on a [Page562-b+ 60] Jina.
   4. The sacred fig-tree, (Ficus religiosa.)
   5. A mountaineer, a barbarian.
   6. any thing the best of its kind, (at the end of a compound.)
  f.  (-ङ्गी)
   1. The goddess PĀRVATĪ.
   2. The wife of VASISHṬHA.
   E. मतङ्ग a saint, an elephant, &c., and अण् aff. of descent or pleonastic aff.

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