भूयिष्ठ [bhūyiṣṭha] a. a. [अतिशयेन बहु इष्ठन् भ्वादेशे युक् च]
Most, most numerous or abundant.
Most important, principal, chief.
Very great or large, very much, much, many, numerous.
Chiefly or for the most part composed of, mostly composed or consisting of, chiefly filled with or characterized by (at the end of com.); अभिरूपभूयिष्ठा परिषद्
[Ś.1;] शूल्यमांसभूयिष्ठ आहारोऽश्यते
[Ś.2;] राष्ट्रेषु कतमत्सुपुरुषभूयिष्ठम् Dk.; शिल्पदारिकाभूयिष्ठं परिजनम्
[M.5;] [R.4.7.] Almost, mostly, nearly all (usually after a past passive participle); अये उदितभूयिष्ठ एष तपनः
[Māl.1;] निर्वाणभूयिष्ठमथास्य वीर्यम्
[Ku.3.52;] [V.1.8.] -ष्ठम् ind.
For the most part, mostly; भूयिष्ठमन्यविषया न तु दृष्टिरस्याः
[Ś.1.3.] Exceedingly, very much, in the highest degree; भूयिष्ठं भव दक्षिणा परिजने
[Ś.4.18;] [R.6.4;13.14.]