CAMASA A yogi, the younger brother of Bharata, a king born in the dynasty of Priyavrata, son of Manu. This country got its name Bhārata from king Bharata (country ruled by Bharata). Bharata had nine brothers called Kuśāvarta, Ilāvarta, Brahmāvarta, Āryāvarta, Malaya, Bhadraketu, Sena, Indraspṛk and Kīkaṭa. Bharata had also nine other brothers renowned as navayogīs, born of another mother. Camasa was one of them, the other eight being Kavi, Hari, Ambarīṣa, Prabuddha, Pippalāyana, Āvīrhotra, Dramiḍa and Kharabhājana. [Bhāgavata Pañcama Skandha] .