Dictionaries | References ह हनु { hanu } Script: Devanagari See also: हनवटी , हनुवटी Meaning Related Words हनु हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi Hindi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 See : ठोढ़ी, जबड़ा हनु Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 f The chin. हनु महाराष्ट्र शब्दकोश | Marathi Marathi Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 स्त्री. तोंडाच्या खालच्या जवड्याचा पुढील भाग ; दाढी ; चिबुक . [ सं . द्दनु + सं . पट्टी ; प्रा . म . बटी ] हनुवटी --- स्त्री . एक मुलींचा खेळ .- मखेपु३३७ हनुग्रह - स्तंभ --- पु . दांतखीळ बसणें . [ सं .] हनु A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 हनु f. 1.f. (only [L.] ) ‘anything which destroys or injures life’, a weapondeathdiseasevarious kinds of drugsa wanton woman, prostituteहनु m. m.N. of a partic. mixed tribe, [L.] हनु f. 2.f. (accord. to [L.] also m.; not fr. √ हन् See cognate words below) a jaw (also ह॑नू), [RV.] &c. &c.हनु n. n. ‘cheek’, a partic. part of a spearhead, [ŚBr.] हनु [cf.Gk.γένυς, γένειον, γενείας, γνάθος; Lat.gena, genuīnus; Goth.kinnus; Germ.Kinn; Eng.chin.] हनु The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 हनु [hanu] नू [nū] नू m., f. [हन्-उन्-स्त्रीत्वे वा उञ्] The chin, jaw.-नु f. f.That which injures life.A weapon.A disease, sickness.Death.A kind of drug.A wanton woman, prostitute. -Comp.-ग्रहः locked jaw.भेदः the gaping of the jaws. N. N. of a particular form of eclipse.-मूलम् the root of the jaw.-मोक्षः relaxation of the jaws.-स्तम्भः = हनुग्रहः. -स्वनः sound made with the jaws.हनु [hanu] नू [nū] मत् [mat] (नू) मत् m. N. of a powerful monkey-chief. [He was the son of Añjanā by the god Wind or Marut and hence called Māruti. He is represented as a monkey of extraordinary strength and prowess which he mainifested on several critical occasions on behalf of Rāma whom he regarded as the idol of his heart. When Sītā was carried off by Rāvaṇa, he crossed the sea and brought news about her to his lord. He played a very important part in the great war at Laṅkā.] -Comp.-कवचम् N. N. of various hymns addressed to हनुमत्.-जयन्ती the day of the full moon of Chaitra. हनु Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 हनु mfn. (-नुः-नुः or नूः-नु)1. The jaw.2. The chin. f. (-नुः)1. A drug and perfume: see हट्टविलासिनी.2. A weapon.3. Sickness.4. Death, dying. 5. A prostitute.E. हन् to hurt or kill, aff. उत्; also ROOTS:हन् उत्;with ऊङ्, हनू . Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP