Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   placing, setting, laying, fixing. 2 Establishing, erecting, instituting, founding, raising, setting up. 3 settling, ordering, ordaining, appointing, determining. 4 Substantiating, proving, evincing, verifying. 5 among devotees. fixing or concentrating the thoughts upon the object of meditation. 6 A certain ceremony performed in the month of utero-gestation.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  placing; settling. Establishing; proving.


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्थापन  mfn. mfn. (fr.Caus.) causing to stand &c.
वयः-स्थ्°   maintaining, preserving (see )
वयः स्थ्°
   fixing, determining, [Sāh.]
स्थापन  n. n. causing to stand, fixing, establishing, founding, instituting, raising, erecting (an image &c.), [VarBṛS.] ; [Inscr.]
   putting or placing or laying upon (comp.), [Suśr.] ; [Naiṣ.] Sch.
   fastening, fixing, rendering immovable, [BhP.]
   hanging, suspending, [Cat.]
   strengthening (of the limbs), preservation or prolongation (of life) or a means of strengthening &c., [Suśr.] ; [Car.]
   a means of stopping (the flow of blood), styptic, ib.
   storage (of grain), [Kṛṣis.]
   establishment or dialectical proof of a proposition, [Madhus.]
   statement, definition, [Sāh.]
   a partic. process to which quicksilver is subjected, [Sarvad.]
पुं-सवन   = , [L.]
   fixing the thoughts, abstraction, [W.]
   a dwelling, habitation, ib.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्थापन  n.  (-नं)
   1. placing, founding, fixing, erecting.
   2. ordering, directing.
   3. fixing or concentrating the thoughts upon the object of meditation, abstraction, mental control.
   4. A ceremony performed in the month of utero-gestation.
   5. A dwelling, a habi- tation.
  f.  (-ना)
   1. ordering or arranging as a drama, stage-manage- ment.
   2. placing, fixing.
  f.  (-नी) A plant, (Cissampelos hexandra.)
   E. ष्ठा to stay or stand, causal form, aff. ल्युट् or युच् .

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