सम्-भ्रम f. m. (ifc. f(आ). ) whirling round, haste, hurry, flurry, confusion, agitation, bustling आत् activity, eagerness, zeal ( and एन, ‘excitedly, hurriedly’; acc. with √ कृ or √ गम्, and dat. , ‘to get into a flurry about, show great eagerness or zeal’; with √ त्यज् or वि-√ मुच्, ‘to compose one's self’), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. awe, deference, respect, [Kāv.] ; [Kathās.] error, mistake, delusion (ifc. = ‘feigning or seeming to be’), [Rājat.] ; [Kathās.] वि-भ्रम grace, beauty (v.l. for ), [Bhartṛ.] N. of a class of beings attending on शिव, [Cat.] सम्-भ्रम mfn. mfn. agitated, excited, rolling about (as the eyes), [BhP.]