Dictionaries | References ल लुक् { luk } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words लुक् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 लुक् 1. (only लुकिष्यसि and लुकित), prob. invented to explain the following word.लुक् 2. (prob.fr. √ लुञ्च्), and gram. term to express ‘the dropping out’ or, ‘disappearance’ of प्रत्ययs or affixes (the symbols , लुप्, and श्लु are distinguished from लोप, q.v., and are called लुमत्, as containing the syllable लु). लुक् The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 लुक् [luk] ind. A technical term used by Pāṇini to express the dropping or disappearance of affixes. लुक् Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 लुक् Ind. A technical term in Pānini's grammar employed to express the disappearance of affixes. Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP